Cleveron 503

Modular grocery locker for indoor and outdoor use. Suitable for handling 20-150 parcels and grocery orders per day.

Cleveron 503 is a 2in1 solution – a refrigerated parcel locker for online grocery and standard parcel pickup. Cleveron 503 has three temperature-controlled modules: freezer, chilled and controlled-ambient. The locker acts as a self-service and hands out orders within seconds, thus creating a superb experience for the end-user.

Cleveron 503
Cleveron S2 Cleveron 301 Plus
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Say hello to your new incredible grocery locker!


Cleveron 503 accelerates your grocery delivery

Grocery e-commerce has been growing rapidly during recent years, and there are no signs of it coming to a stop. Buying groceries online has become second nature to people. With the recent global lifestyle changes, people are preferring to order their day-to-day groceries with a few clicks and pick them up at a time most convenient for them. Waiting for the courier at home is a thing from the past. 

Cleveron 503 is a state-of-the-art grocery locker that elevates the traditional grocery shopping experience. It saves time, money and reduces the hassle for consumers, grocers and couriers. 


1 trip for the courier; 20 family dinners served.


All groceries and standard parcels from one locker

Cleveron 503 has three temperature-controlled modules available – freezer, chilled, and controlled-ambient. This gives an opportunity for consumers to receive all of their goods with one pickup, whether that is ice cream, fresh vegetables, or standard packages. 

Freezer (-18 °C, 0 °F)
The freezer zone is a controlled low-temperature module that stores frozen goods. 

Chilled (+2...+5 °C, 35...41 °F)
The chilled refrigerated zone stores groceries and FMCG goods, and keeps them extra fresh until picked up by a customer. 

Controlled-ambient  (+15...+18 °C, 59...64 °F)
The controlled-ambient module maintains a steady temperature, regardless of the temperature outside the locker. This module is designed to store regular parcels that aren't groceries or frozen foods. 

What does Cleveron 503 offer?

1. Convenience at its fullest

Cleveron's mission is to save the most valuable resource – time. Cleveron 503 follows that principle with its astronomically fast order pickup and drop-off, creating a seamless user experience for end-users and couriers. This results in returning customers and happy store associates.

2. Saves time and money

Cleveron 503 is open 24/7. It extends your business hours without increasing labour costs because customers can choose the most suitable time to pick up their groceries, instead of waiting at home for delivery. Thanks to Cleveron 503's modular and compact design, it can be placed in areas where retail space is expensive.

3. Expands your footprint

Cleveron 503 is both an indoor and outdoor locker, meaning it can essentially be installed anywhere – next to a store, to a parking lot or even to areas where you don't have a store yet. This expands your business' service area, thus attracting an entirely new customer base. 

4. Supports your growth

Cleveron's grocery locker is a modular solution, so extra modules can be added when order volumes grow. Different module types can be mixed and matched according to business and customer needs, making the configuration of Cleveron 503 fully customisable. With Cleveron, no further software integrations are needed after the very first one. 


20 seconds for a pickup sounds too good to be true? With Cleveron 503 it is true. 

Make your customers fall in love with your super fast delivery. 


Happy employees = happy customers

Cleveron 503 grocery locker frees up your store associates’ time, allowing them to handle more value-adding tasks and be there for your customers


How does it work? 

 1. The unit operator logs in and inserts the grocery order to the specified temperature zones

2. The end-user gets notified and receives the pickup code

3. The end-user enters or scans the pickup code

4. The locker door opens automatically, and the end-customer collects their groceries

5. In case of a larger order, the next locker door opens when the previous door has been closed


Technical information

Temperature-18 °C, 0 °F+2...+5 °C, 35...41 °F+15...+18 °C, 59...64 °F
Slot count8 × S
4 × M
8 × M
8 × M
Max load per slot20 kg20 kg
20 kg


Cleveron 503 is compatible with Cleveron S2 software, an all-in-one platform to manage and operate the grocery locker. The software is easily scalable, so when order volumes grow, extra modules or even completely new Cleveron solutions can be added without any expensive integrations.

What is Cleveron S2?


Lose the hassle of grocery delivery logistics – Cleveron 503 makes grocery handover super easy and quick


Gentle on the planet

If Cleveron 503 is located on the way home for a customer and an average drive to a supermarket and back is about 10 kilometers, then the yearly saving of CO2 is 67 kg. And this is for one family only. Also, the couriers don’t have to drive to each person individually; extra CO2 saving comes from there as well.
Tanel Aruoja
Team X Manager / Cleveron

Support and maintenance

Cleveron offers full worldwide support. Our after-sale support includes 24/7 monitoring, spare parts, scheduled maintenance and on- and off-site technical support. 


  • Hardware installation
  • Software integration
  • Training

Technical support

  • Remote monitoring
  • On-site maintenance
  • Spare parts
  • Warranty

System enhancement

  • Business performance data
  • Research & development

Remote monitoring

Our support includes a remote technical monitoring service to optimize the system's performance and minimize downtime. The main advantage of remote technical monitoring is that it enables us to detect and solve 80% of hardware and software-related issues from a distance. That translates to fast problem-solving and low maintenance costs.

On-site maintenance

Our support also includes worldwide on-site maintenance. On-site maintenance is carried out by our certified partner in the client's destination country. Cleveron provides continuous training and certification of service technicians, as well as spare parts management and logistics.

For additional information please send an e-mail

Tarmo Tamm

Chief Sales Officer


Other products

Cleveron 301 Plus

Cleveron 301 Plus

Cloud-based indoor parcel locker with touchscreen. Suitable for handling 1-100 parcels per day.
Cleveron 402

Cleveron 402

Expandable click and collect parcel automation solution. Suitable for handling from 100 to more than 3000 parcels per day.
Cleveron 302

Cleveron 302

Automated parcel locker system as the last-mile delivery solution in retail and logistics sectors. Suitable for handling 20–100 parcels per day.