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Arno Kütt and president Kersti Kaljulaid discussed the future of Estonian entrepreneurship

20.02.2019 | Cleveron

Cleveron’s CEO Arno Kütt and the President of the Republic of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid attended a panel discussion at the opening event of the new e-Estonia Briefing Centre, in which they discussed the future trends of Estonian entrepreneurship.

Kütt stated, that while it is positive that Estonian start-ups are the world champions in finding foreign investors, the focus should shift more on not how to quickly exit a successful company, but how to keep growing the success in Estonia. Kütt suggested that instead of selling successful start-ups to foreign buyers, entrepreneurs should seek to develop Estonian entrepreneurship, which would benefit the entire society in the long term.

Kütt and Kaljulaid agreed that Estonia is an excellent country to start new ventures and test out new ideas. It was concluded that originating from Estonia is not a hindrance in reaching foreign markets because Estonia has become more established as a country.

The new e-Estonia Briefing Centre in the Öpiku Building in Ülemiste City was opened on 19th February. The digital exposition introduces the e-services the Estonian state provides which are still unavailable in most countries, including digital identity, X-road, i-voting, e-Tax Board, e-residency, and many more. Estonian technology and software companies’ solutions are also on display, including Cleveron.

Photo: Jelena Rudi

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