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Cleveron will work from home from March 16 to 29

15.03.2020 | Cleveron

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Estonia, our government has declared a state of emergency. As a pre-emptive measure to keep our employees healthy and safe, Cleveron has decided to switch to a remote work mode for two weeks, starting from March 16. We will continue to monitor the situation and will take additional measures if needed.

We feel that the best way we can prevent our employees from catching the virus or unintentionally spreading it is to minimize human contact. Therefore, we have closed down our assembly plant in Viljandi and office in Tallinn and asked all our employees to work from home. All business flights and installations abroad were already cancelled and today we are working on getting the last team members home to Estonia.

Working from home is not a novel concept in Cleveron, since we have always tried to offer flexibility in working arrangements. Also, as a company with clients all around the world, we are used to virtual meetings and have all the necessary tools needed for successful team and project management. So despite the temporary arrangement, we can also say that the work continues as usual. The assembly plant is still closed and employees who are unable to work from home will receive their salary 100%. Our after-sales team, who is providing remote monitoring for our clients, will continue working on-site, but taking extra care to ensure their health and safety.

Take care, be safe and we will beat this virus!

Team Cleveron

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Tarmo Tamm

Chief Sales Officer
